miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2020




He thought that he was dying,

Opened his eyes and watched the girl herd her sheep,

Then saw her milk one sheep of the herd and walk toward him with a jug of milk.


She had noticed his state,

His heavily matted hair,

Skin full of sores,

Dry, half open mouth,

Staring, crazy-wide eyes.

Sucked in her milk,

His inner energy waking up,

Arising from it´s  lethargy after  months of  being ignored,

Gave him the energy to rise up and stumble to the river.


Slowly he walk into the water and with trembling hands wet his face,

Didn`t know anymore if he was alive.

Washed his sores,

Felt the water between his legs, over his chest,

A neat transfer of energy,

Rolling into his inner being…

He looked around, the girl was gone,

Saw a large tree and weakly stumbled to it,

Sat among its large roots,

Knew that he had to conquer his being,

The only way he knew how,

Sat, sat, stare at the jungle,

Until the jungle was no more,

Old friend Mara showed up with his nude dancing daughters,

Juno, the elephant came to crush him,

Soldiers with fiery arrows pointed at him,

But sent flowers instead,

Nothing disturbed his stare into nothingness.


The night rolled on,

Slowly, black, silent…

Heard a distant cry,

The agony of suffering humanity,

A crow overhead,

A spider between his legs,

Mosquitoes on his face,


Nothing will disturb me until I get there,

Only death will move me away,

Mara drops away with his daughters,

Looking back, they scream in agony.


The dawn,

The star,

All drops away,

He drops away,

He becomes the jungle,

Not himself anymore,

Stop suffering,

Must go tell the people!…



viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2020

 Fukan-Zazengi (Guía universal para el método de zazen)

 Por lo general alargamos una delgada esterilla en el lugar donde nos sentamos, y colocamos un cojín redondo sobre ella. Podéis sentaros en posición de loto, o en medio loto. Para sentarse en la posición de loto, poned primero el pie derecho sobre el muslo izquierdo, y luego el pie izquierdo sobre el muslo derecho. Para sentarse en la posición de medio loto, no hay más que presionar el pie izquierdo sobre el muslo derecho. Acomodad bien el hábito (kaõàya). Entonces colocad la mano derecha sobre el pie izquierdo, y la mano izquierda sobre la palma de la mano derecha. Los pulgares se tocan ligeramente y se soportan el uno al otro. Enderezad bien el cuerpo y sentáos firmemente. No os inclinéis ni hacia la izquierda ni hacia la derecha, ni os tumbéis hacia el frente, ni os echéis hacia atrás. Las orejas deben estar en línea horizontal con los hombros, y la naríz en línea vertical con el ombligo. Sostened la lengua contra el paladar, mantened los dientes y los labios cerrados, mantened los ojos abiertos. Respirad suavemente por la naríz. Cuando la postura esté ya bien asentada, haced una exhalación completa y balancéaos a la izquierda y a la derecha. Sentáos inmóviles en el estado de quietud de la montaña. Pensad en no pensar. ¿Cómo se piensa en no pensar? No pensando (hishiryo) He ahí la esencia del zazen.